Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2013 arrow September 2013

Top Quick Senior regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation September 2013

1Foygel, Igor (12563122)65MAUSA2417
2Simms, Gary (10403227)71TXUSA2237
Tapaszto, Laszlo B (10531381)79NYVEN2237
4Graves, Peter (12476605)65CAUSA2225
5Dubeck, Leroy W (10061083)74NJUSA2222
6Figler, Ilye (12713319)66NYUSA2218
7Peysakhovich, Vitaly A (12564026)82NJUSA2214
8Saidy, Anthony F (10439949)76CAUSA2212
9Hoffmann, Asa (10076994)70NYUSA2210
10Stoyko, Stephen (10050227)65NJUSA2208
11Katz, Michael S (12699061)66NJUSA2191
12Grant, Douglas M (10099170)70NHUSA2183
13Curdo, John A (10009201)81MAUSA2153
14Meyer, John C (10169518)68VAUSA2147
15Kwartler, Lonnie S (10086795)70NYUSA2130
16Casten, Frederick J (10102570)74NVUSA2128
17Pohl, Klaus A (10214033)76SCUSA2127
18Golyak, Isay (12531126)81NYUSA2122
19Brooks, John R (10294380)67MIUSA2121
20Reichstein, Boris (12455549)74MDUSA2107
21Alsasua, Eleuterio A (10492211)75NVUSA2102
22Tennant, Steven (10341752)65ILUSA2100
Kerman, David J (10435421)76CAUSA2100
Zisman, Boris (12541759)72MDUSA2100
25De Haseth, Pieter L (10314917)66OHUSA2099
26Berchenko, Sergey (12145620)67OHUSA2090
27Wilson, Fred (10077508)67NYUSA2049
28Feuerstein, Arthur William (10055725)77NJUSA2030
29Forman, Gary Robert (10103380)66NYUSA2024
30Kalfas, Richard B (10138361)71NYUSA2020
Cotten, Donald R (10452716)75CAUSA2020
32Barnard, John C (10430283)73CAUSA2014
33Sholomson, Stephen L (10433452)72CAUSA2009
34Horsboll, Eric (10661935)69NYUSA2008
35Khots, Boris (12636211)71IAUSA2006
36Fuerstman, Leland L (10209137)66NCUSA2003
Brancic, Aleksandar B (12447888)66MAUSA2003
38Santillan, Carlos H (11032095)66COUSA2001
39Hough, Randall D (10461138)66CAUSA2000
40Morris, Michael J (10505798)65ORUSA1993
41Naranja, Renato C (13024036)72NJPHI1992
42Baroudi, Ziad A (12538424)75CAUSA1990
43Chase, Stephen M (10232937)69TXUSA1976
44Polyakin, Vladimir L, Jr (12287160)67NYUSA1972
45Cohen, Harry S (12422008)69MDUSA1968
46Wagner, Lawrence F, Jr (10503469)74NYUSA1961
47Tannenbaum, Jeffrey Alan (10078954)65NYUSA1951
48Sussman, Leonard (10113814)70CAUSA1948
Gedeon, Richard (10264022)66OHUSA1948
50Frumkin, Edward A (10136580)65NYUSA1947
51Arluck, William S (10096588)70NYUSA1946
52Roth, Ted A (11366929)65CAUSA1942
53Brightman, Joseph M (10157480)66FLUSA1938
54Levitan, Alexander (12747794)75CAUSA1934
55Levin, Jerome A (10467047)66CAUSA1933
56Cohen, Ed (12457085)72CAUSA1931
57Barlay, Imre (11024190)83COUSA1930
58Conver, Daniel C (10064465)68NVUSA1921
Person, Melvin (12426694)65KYUSA1921
60Barker, Marvin R, Jr (10202001)66WVUSA1915
61Brahimaj, Muharrem (12740982)74MAUSA1912
62Petithory, Louis (10003733)68MAUSA1909
63Samarin, David P (10441714)66CAUSA1907
64Stevanovic, Miomir (10352371)74ILUSA1904
65Miller, Tony A (10036607)68CAUSA1903
Stetson, Robert R (10419336)70AZUSA1903
67Williamson, Warren (12469047)66AZUSA1902
68Nugent, Arthur P (10011191)72MAUSA1900
Murphy, Richard (10108560)81NYUSA1900
Kreitner, Ilan (10118492)77NYUSA1900
Hucks, Lewis A (10183626)80MDUSA1900
Parham, Bernard (10286514)66INUSA1900
Mease, Art (12351060)93PAUSA1900
74Trimble, Selden (10367743)72MOUSA1899
75Cashman, Jack A (10468655)66CAUSA1898
76Carson, Keith R (10248744)67VAUSA1892
77Driver, Riley Daniel (10227640)65OHUSA1889
78Feldman, Lev E (12659208)74CAUSA1886
79Morin, Roger (11160131)68MEUSA1883
80White, Lawrence (12477225)66TXUSA1882
81Diglio, Vincent J (12299590)65CAUSA1881
82Gonzalez, Fidel (11113826)69CAUSA1880
83Coffee, Terence (10105358)68MDUSA1874
Robinson, Gary T (10197287)69MIUSA1874
85Sloan, Sam (11115292)68NYUSA1867
86Petrovic, Cedomir (12388580)74OHUSA1865
87Korin, Mark (12689420)83ILUSA1858
88Booth, Anthony (12400817)69AZUSA1851
89Beckman, Thomas J (10192561)66DCUSA1850
90Hickey, Wayne Gene (10291682)65MIUSA1848
91Fleysher, Leonid (12742766)73NJUSA1839
92Pendergast, William C (11104347)65GAUSA1838
93Teasley, Dorothy (10074258)72NYUSA1837
94Pedersen, Lars (11096182)67CAUSA1836
95Delacruz, Gaudencio Fajardo (10492092)69CAUSA1834
96Glassman, Arthur (10352258)71NMUSA1830
Kahn, Allyn B (12093440)68FLUSA1830
98Berry, Jim (10384885)68OKUSA1827
99Stroukal, Miroslav (11506941)69CAUSA1826
100Barta, Ludvik (12481551)68OHUSA1823
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
